The Baldwin brothers are going to war over Donald Trump

The Baldwin brothers are going to war over Donald Trump

It’s always a shame when brothers don’t get along—unless they’re the Baldwin brothers, in which case it’s super fun and great because they’re famous. Last week, we reported that Donald Trump supporter Stephen Baldwin isn’t a fan of his brother Alec’s impression of Trump on Saturday Night Live, dismissing it as “a little too nasty right now” and noting that he believes making jokes about the election in general isn’t very funny. Then, on the next episode of SNL, Alec’s Trump fired back with a phenomenal zinger about Stephen being “the best Baldwin brother.”

Now, Billy Baldwin has entered the fray, with an extensive Twitter exchange between him and Stephen from earlier this month making the rounds on social media as people realize they should’ve been paying more attention to Billy Baldwin this whole time. (That’s just how weird this election has been.) It started with Stephen tweeting that his father would be “ashamed and disgusted” by the biased media if he were alive today:

This prompted Billy to jump in with this own thoughts on their father:

And then he began systematically taking down the whole idea of the media being biased against Trump:

That all went down a while ago, but on the off-chance the Baldwin kids still get together for Thanksgiving, we imagine it’ll be a lot of fun this year. (For us, probably not for them.)

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