The Batman-Superman movie will also find room for Cyborg

Reassuring all who worried that the upcoming Man Of Steel 2: Back In Black, I Hit The Sack, I Been Too Long, I’m Glad To Be Batman might be a barebones, Beckettian dialogue wherein Superman and Batman ruminate on the absurd nature of their existence, the enveloping silence of the room standing in for God’s, each week brings news that, no, it will be crammed full of other superheroes. This time it’s Cyborg, whom Variety reports will be played by Ray Fisher—a man who already has a perfectly good superhero name, though he’s so far wasted it on a life in the theater.

Cyborg, a.k.a. Victor Stone, is the son of scientists at S.T.A.R. Labs who use him as a sort of guinea pig, before eventually fitting him with experimental prosthetics following a life-threatening accident. He’s also a member of the Justice League, and as such is expected to appear in future DC Comics films alongside Henry Cavill’s Superman, Ben Affleck’s Batman, Gal Gadot’s Wonder Woman, whomever Dwayne Johnson might be playing, whomever they get to play The Flash and Green Lantern eventually, and anyone else that might be added to the film in which Batman and Superman will barely get a minute alone to converse and contemplate, at least until Man Of Steel 3: My Dinner With Batman.

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