The best films of the decade, quantified

A couple of weeks ago, we here at A.V. Club film headquarters released our list of the 50 best films of the decade, with the promise that it would “serve as the canonical standard for decades to come.” So it’s with mixed emotions that we lead you to a new, neat-o application on Slate called “The Aught-omatic,” which compiles decade-best lists from multiple publications into a consensus that, mathematically at least, is more definitive than ours. As of this afternoon, six lists have been fed into this diabolical tabulating machine—ours, Time Out New York’s, Telegraph’s, Times London’s, Paste’s, and Richard Brody’s from The New Yorker (hello, The Darjeeling Limited)—but as more are added, it stands to be a pretty addictive tool, with sorting options (Alphabetical, and by director, most lists, and most points) and a scroll-down menus for individual lists. Our #1, Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind, is currently the consensus favorite, too, but items will surely shift during flight. Enjoy…

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