The children of The Beatles might form a band that will at least be as great as The Beatles

What can be said about The Beatles that hasn't already been said? Yes, they are the most famous and beloved rock band ever. And, of course, their music has been embraced by generations that weren't even alive when the band was together. But what about the children? Does The Beatles' genealogical work approach the greatness of their musical output? Apparently, a group of Beatles offspring might be answering that question very soon. Paul's son James McCartney recently told the BBC that he's considering forming a band with John's son Sean Lennon, George's son Dhani Harrison, and Ringo Starr's son Zak Starkey. Apparently Lennon and Harrison "seemed to be into it," according to McCartney, with only Starkey (who has played with Oasis and The Who) holding out. (Does Pete Best have a kid?) McCartney has big ambitions for the project, saying he dreams of "being better than The Beatles," though he'd be happy just "to be equal to The Beatles—but even that's quite tough." With that, Paul McCartney patted his 34-year-old son on the head and sent him off the bed. [via Yahoo]

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