The Chris Gethard Show rescued the Letterman set

The future of TV talk shows has saved a piece of the format’s past: The Late Show With David Letterman set is safely in the hands of Fusion’s The Chris Gethard Show. Late Show’s reproductions of the Brooklyn Bridge and the George Washington Bridge were unveiled on the Gethard Show’s live stream this afternoon, serving as the backdrop for one of three weddings the host conducted alongside versatile best man Will Ferrell. Already the heir to Letterman’s late-night experimental streak, now Gethard is inheriting his fake buildings, too.

As reported less than a day after Letterman’s CBS tenure came to an end, Late Show’s New York City skyline was unceremoniously discarded outside of the Ed Sullivan Theater, left to be picked over by eager fans. Some of those fans included The Chris Gethard Show’s staff, as Gethard himself indicated during the show’s June 4 episode. Viewers can witness the bridge’s linear-TV rebirth on Thursday, June 25, when “Til Geth Do Us Part” makes its Fusion debut.

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