The Comedy Central Roast will attempt to find something mock-worthy about Roseanne Barr

Having strained the very bounds of satire and plucked fanciful japes about the likes of Charlie Sheen and Donald Trump seemingly from thin air, the Comedy Central Roast has given itself the relatively simpler task of insulting Roseanne Barr for an August 4 broadcast, utilizing many of her well-known foibles and flaws for the making of lighthearted merriment. For instance, there is Barr's famous predilection for macadamia nuts: "Your reality show was called Roseanne's Nuts. That was true, because you are nuts!" one comedian, perhaps Jeffrey Ross might say—maybe even adding, "It also sounds like you've got testicles!" if he really wants to "go there." Other moments of fun may or may not include jokes about Barr's fluctuating weight, provided someone among the assembled comedians hones in on it as a potential weak spot, and listening for the far-off, bone-chilling moans of the phantom Tom Arnold.

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