The coronavirus can't stop the Grease prequel

The coronavirus can't stop the Grease prequel
Screenshot: Grease

Some ideas are just too good to be slowed down by anything, even the coronavirus, which must be why production on the prequel to Grease that we first heard about a million years ago is starting to pick up speed—it was last April, but it might as well have been a million years ago. According to Deadline, Paramount has tapped indie director Brett Haley (Heart Beats Loud) to direct Summer Lovin’, a movie with a plot that has already been summed up in a famous song. For those who aren’t familiar, it goes… a little something… like this:

Summer lovin’, had me a blast
Summer lovin’, happened so fast
Etc. etc.
Buuut… ohhhh
Those suuummmer niiiiiiiights

Okay, that’s not the entire thing, but the point is that the song tells the whole story. However, that evidently won’t stop Summer Lovin’ from trying to “detail that fateful meeting” between Danny and Sandy as well as “what followed.” You might think that “what followed” was the plot of the movie Grease, but… apparently there’s more to it than that. Maybe there will be a series of comical events where neither of them mentions where they live or go to school? Can’t have young Danny creating some kind of time paradox. Deadline says there’s some hope that this will turn into a franchise, which would again just be the movie Grease, but apparently Haley has some angle on it that will make it extra appealing for “2020 audiences” (as if this has any chance of even getting made in 2020).

Also, this seems to be unrelated to the HBO Max Grease spin-off show Rydell High, which, as we’ve noted before, is also just Grease.

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