The Daily Mail blames Google for Piers Morgan's limp "results"

The Daily Mail blames Google for Piers Morgan's limp "results"
Piers Morgan Photo: Ross Kinnaird

Former Good Morning, Britain host and amateur Bag Lady impersonator, Piers Morgan, does not perform well, but his longtime partner assures everyone it’s not his fault. In fact, The Daily Mail reportedly can’t even conceive why people aren’t interested in what its damp, gelatinous ham-hock-shaped columnist has to say about current events.

This has nothing to do with Morgan’s piss-poor “results,” nor his recent inflammatory comments about Meghan Markle (who Morgan is totally over, by the way), and everything to do with Google’s more virile counter-offerings… which is part of the reason The Daily Mail’s owner is suing Google for allegedly downplaying its content in favor of competitors who shell out more ad money.

Per the BBC:

Associated Newspapers’ concerns stem from its assessment that its coverage of the Royal Family in 2021 has been downplayed in search results.

[The Daily Mail] claims that British users searching for broadcaster Piers Morgan’s comments on the Duchess of Sussex following an interview with Oprah Winfrey were more likely to see articles about Morgan produced by smaller, regional outlets.

That is despite the Daily Mail writing multiple stories a day about his comments around that time and employing him as a columnist.

Does Google have too much power within the tech industry, and by extension, the world-at-large? Yes. Is Piers Morgan unable to get his “page views” up for his bankroller, The Daily Mail? Demonstrably so. Can he not let go of that time he somehow convinced himself Meghan Markle was into him? That question answers itself.

Is Google directly to blame for Piers Morgan’s lackluster results? Probably not. But hey, whatever gets you through the night, Daily Mail.

[via BoingBoing]

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