The Deuce has no community standards and plenty of mustaches in new trailer

Last night, HBO dropped a new trailer for The Deuce, its upcoming pivot from Westeros to the equally dangerous milieu of Times Square in the 1970s. Hailing from The Wire creator David Simon, the series stars James Franco as twin bartenders—one of whom seems to have gotten himself in some money trouble with the Mob—Maggie Gyllenhaal as an upwardly mobile sex worker, Natalie Paul as a newspaper reporter determined to expose the corruption that makes the Times Square world go ‘round, Lawrence Gilliard, Jr. as a cop assisting her investigation, and Gary Carr and Gbenga Akinnagbe as pimps stalking 42nd Street in search of naive young women.

Set, like the earlier trailer that has since been pulled from YouTube, to the soulful strains of Curtis Mayfield’s “Move On Up,” the trailer teases sex, drugs, organized crime, and loads of luxurious mustaches when The Deuce premieres on HBO on September 10.

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