
The Dodos: Visiter

The Dodos: Visiter

Right about the time disgruntled critics started
complaining about contemporary white indie-rock being too white and
indie-rock-ish, African music emerged as the influence du jour for bands that might have
sounded more like The Shins five years ago. On Visiter, San Francisco's The Dodos
marry accessible folk-pop melodies with mechanical polyrhythms inspired by West
African Ewe drumming. While the result would never be described as
danceable—it's a little too stiff-wristed to qualify as funky—Visiter zips along with a
driving, forward-moving velocity that obliterates most traces of that pesky,
Caucasian-y feyness. On the invigorating, summer-song-of-'08 candidate "Fools,"
the tension created by Logan Kroeber's clanging chika-chika beat lifts Meric Long's
soaring tenor to even greater heights, giving an already hooky song another
irresistible entry point via the hyperactive rhythm section. It's a winning
formula The Dodos repeat throughout Visiter, and yet never run into the

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