The End Of A Gun trailer reminds us that Steven Seagal still makes movies

Looks like someone is really stepping up their game in the perpetual “I can nap through a movie more consistently than you” competition with Bruce Willis. Steven Seagal, who is only vaguely aware that he’s continued to make movies throughout the 21st century (including, let us never forget, his immortal role as “Cock Puncher” in The Onion Movie), is back with what appears to be his seventh (!) role in 2016, for End Of A Gun. While costar Jade Ewen seems determined to actually act, Seagal once again proves he knows better than to exert effort. Effort, after all, can lead to the heartbreak of sweat. So instead, he sleepily ambles his way through a plot involving a former DEA agent stealing two million dollars from a drug lord, and then going after the blow-dried villain when he kidnaps the woman who helped Seagal.

The trailer more or less walks you through the paces of the entire thing (and probably at roughly the same rate Seagal walked through it, only more efficiently), so congratulations: You’ve now seen End Of A Gun. But if you want to see more sequences of Seagal standing there while the camera cuts frantically to make it seem like he’s whipping dudes’ asses, the film comes out September 23.

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