The Falcon And The Winter Soldier are bantering buddies in this new teaser for the Disney+ series

The Falcon And The Winter Soldier are bantering buddies in this new teaser for the Disney+ series
Image: Disney+

If WandaVision, Disney+’s first TV tie-in with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, is a superhero horror story crossed with a parody of classic sitcoms, then it’s looking more and more like The Falcon And Winter The Soldier (Disney+’s next MCU TV series) looks like a superhero action movie crossed with a wacky buddy-comedy. Oh sure, there’s a big emphasis on action in this extended teaser (a shorter version premiered during the Super Bowl), but it’s really all about the bickering and bantering between its two eponymous heroes.

Also: Sharon Carter is back, getting some good hits in, and Zemo is inching ever-closer to his lovably garish comic book outfit. The purple mask! The furry collared coat! Excellent stuff. You can get a better look at Zemo in a new poster that Disney released, which we’ve embedded below the trailer. The Falcon And The Winter Soldier is coming to Disney+ in March, right after the end of WandaVision.

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