The family of Carole Baskin's missing husband bought an ad during Dancing With The Stars

The family of Carole Baskin's missing husband bought an ad during Dancing With The Stars
Carole Baskins in Tiger King Photo: Netflix

Tonight was the Dancing With The Stars debut of Carole Baskin, the woman we all met in Netflix’s Tiger King who may or may not know something—at least according to some rather well-spread rumors—about the mysterious disappearance of her husband Don Lewis. Joe Maldonado-Passage, a.k.a. Joe Exotic, has already been convicted of hiring someone to kill Lewis, but since Tiger King, more and more people are starting to believe that the case may not be that clear-cut.

Lewis’ family are apparently among the people who suspect that Baskin knows more than she’s saying, and so tonight they decided to… acknowledge her appearance on Dancing With The Stars by taking out on ad on ABC and offering a $100,000 reward in exchange for tips about Lewis’ disappearance. This comes from TMZ (which grabbed a clip of the commercial), and just in case there was any question about what their goal is here, it features the family’s lawyer mentioning Baskin by name and asking if anyone knows anything about her being involved. On ABC. On the night of the Dancing With The Stars premiere. During the Dancing With The Stars season where Carole Baskin is competing for some reason.

It’s a pretty hardcore move, even if the actual viability of this strategy seems pretty questionable. What are the odds someone watching Dancing With The Stars knows something about Don Lewis’ disappearance but didn’t think to say anything until now? How could that possible? Obviously the real intention is to make sure that people don’t forget about Don Lewis—there’s even a mention in the ad about how they’re a “real family,” reminding viewers that they’re not characters on a Netflix show that people wouldn’t stop talking about a few months ago—and it probably did a good job of that. Hell, here we are talking about Tiger King again.

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