The Farrelly Brothers will mentor the winner of Project Greenlight

In an exciting development for aspiring directors interested in the finer points of cat-anus humor, Deadline reports that Peter and Bobby Farrelly will serve as mentors on the rebooted version of Project Greenlight. But before contestants can sit at the feet of the masters, they’ll have to pass through a judging panel that includes executive producers Matt Damon and Ben Affleck, film-based reality show specialist Marc Joubert, and the group Hollywood is always trying to pander to—America itself.

Once a winner has been chosen, the Farrellys will give the lucky filmmaker invaluable advice on making his or her first feature, advice like “try adding some more diarrhea,” “he really would look funnier in a fat suit,” and “the big confrontation scene would be better if she had semen in her hair.” The Farrellys were chosen, apparently, due to their willingness to work with people from Project Greenlight.

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