The first week of Trevor Noah’s Daily Show will be a “miniseries”

Earlier today, we reported on the full lineup of guests that will be popping in to welcome Trevor Noah to The Daily Show in his first week, but we still don’t really know what the show will look like going forward. Luckily, Noah sat down with Rolling Stone recently to talk about his new hosting gig, and he explained that the first week of his Daily Show will be divided into a “four-part miniseries” so he and the writers have more room to show how their Daily Show will work. As Noah says, “you can’t just go off one episode” and “know what this is about.”

However, Noah didn’t explain exactly what sort of miniseries his first Daily Show week will be, so we’re still left without much to go on. Is it going to be a Roots-style miniseries where everybody learns something about the world? Or will it take the Band Of Brothers approach and feature interviews with Trevor Noah and his correspondents as old people? Maybe a cool Battlestar Galactica-style reboot of an old show that updates cheesy drama for a new audience? Or, better yet, it could take a page from V and reveal that certain members of society are actually lizards.

The Daily Show With Trevor Noah will premiere on Monday, September 28.

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