The Frames D.C.: Fitzcarraldo

The Frames D.C.: Fitzcarraldo

Bloated, hyper-dramatic Irish rock is rarely in short supply, but The Frames D.C.'s Fitzcarraldo transcends its over-the-top nature with a surprising number of emotionally searing moments. With an instantly memorable opening single ("Revelate"), solid rock songs ("Monument"), and several beautifully drawn-out ballads ("Say It To Me Now," "Fitzcarraldo"), the album is consistently well-served by compelling arrangements and a stellar vocal performance by former Commitment Glen Hansard. (He's like a less mopey, more Irish incarnation of Counting Crows' Adam Duritz.) Released late last year, Fitzcarraldo could wind up a victim of commercial and critical indifference; you'd do well to discover it while waiting for 1997's first noteworthy albums.

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