The Hadron Collider of hype: Lana Del Rey meets The Hunger Games

The Hadron Collider of hype: Lana Del Rey meets The Hunger Games

Talk about two pop-cultural entities long enough and they’re bound to eventually merge into one zeitgeist-y mongrel somewhere on the Internet. As there are few things buzzing louder right now than Lana Del Rey and the upcoming Hunger Games film adaptation, Chicago filmmaker Steve Delahoyde (who’s married to A.V. Club contributor Claire Zulkey) took the perhaps-inevitable but still brilliant leap and merged the two together with this video for Lana Del Rey’s “Hunger Games.” Second City ensemble member Holly Laurent sings with pitch-perfect Del Rey lethargy through lyrics (which she also penned) that both succinctly sum up the book series’ premise and manage to rhyme “Katniss” with “rat piss.”

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