The hard bodies aren’t just on the beach in new Baywatch trailer

Even before the first teaser was released, we all had a pretty good idea what we’d be getting from a Baywatch movie led by Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson: The same beautiful people and pulse-pounding action of Baywatch the TV series and Baywatch Nights. The new film certainly appears to be delivering on the adrenaline, as all previous previews included the kind of explosions we expect to see in the Rock’s wake. And this latest trailer shows off all the gorgeous beach babes who are first and foremost life-saving professionals. Zac Efron’s character is a brash new arrival who hasn’t quite gotten with the program, which now includes going undercover and hanging out in morgues. But when that necrotic whatever drips right on his face here, you have to feel for the guy.

Baywatch hits the shore on May 26.

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