The Hater vs. Michael Ian Black, live in New York this week!

Get ready to have your minds blown, dear readers, as our very own Hater, Amelie Gillette, will step out from behind the Internet's veil this Wednesday to interview Michael Ian Black, live and in-person.

The occasion: Black just released a book of essays called My Custom Van… And 50 Other Mind-Blowing Essays That Will Blow Your Mind All Over Your Face, and Amelie will be grilling him about it.

The date and time: Wednesday, July 16, 12:30pm-1:45pm

The place: lovely Bryant Park, in New York City. The Bryant Park Reading Room is on the 42nd Street side of the park, between the back of the New York Public Library and 6th Avenue.


Just two weeks later, our own Andy Battaglia will also be a guest interviewer! He'll be speaking to Jonathan Miles, author of Dear American Airlines: A Novel.

Same venue, same time, but July 30. Be there or be oblong.

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