The History Channel now offering online classes in Bigfoot or whatever

The History Channel’s sinister plot to force the American educational system to acknowledge aliens as “history” has just entered its second phase as A&E Networks announces the “first TV network-branded online course for college credit.” The course is being offered through the History Channel website and taught by University of Oklahoma professor Steve Gillon, the “Scholar-in-Residence at History,” which is kind of like being the chef-in-residence at Taco Bell.

The course goes by the nondescript title of United States 1865 To The Present, a time period that includes the Roswell Incident, the Nazis, and nearly 150 years’ worth of pawn-shop commerce. The course costs $500 for prospective students hoping (but not guaranteed) to parlay it into three university credits, or $250 for those simply trying to figure out how watching men with beards do their blue-collar jobs is considered “history.” If this trend continues, TLC will presumably offer an online course in how not to run a reality series beginning next fall.

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