The hot new face of QAnon is some fucking guy from Vanderpump Rules

With the appearance of numerous sign-waving supporters at a Trump rally last week, the world at large was introduced to a far-right conspiracy theory known as QAnon. Until recently, QAnon stuff remained in the dark corners of 4chan, 8chan, and Reddit, but as it continues to spill into mainstream news coverage, we’re forced to hear about all the dumb shit these people are actually doing. According to a new report from The Daily Beast, that dumb shit now includes lionizing some minor player from Vanderpump Rules as a “Hollywood whistleblower.”

For those who have managed to remain blissfully unaware, QAnon is a far-reaching, multi-faceted conspiracy that claims—among other things—that President Trump and Robert Mueller are actually working together to take down a massive pedophile ring run by Hollywood celebrities and major Democratic Party players. “Deep state” secrets are leaked to supporters courtesy of an anonymous message board user named “Q.” Relying on cryptic information from an anonymous source has primed QAnon followers to believe pretty much anything from anyone, including Vanderpump Rules actor Isaac Kappy, who appeared on Infowars recently to accuse Tom Hanks and Seth Green of being secret Illuminati pedophiles.

As Daily Beast notes, Kappy’s evidence against Hanks, Green, and Hollywood celebrities in general is thin, to say the least. He claims he once “found a Facebook page offering a new car in exchange for membership in the Illuminati” right before meeting a man at a party who bragged about owning a Tesla. He says he once talked to someone who claimed they liked to “unplug” on the weekends, which he is convinced means he doesn’t want to be overheard by the NSA. Also, one time Seth Green showed him a secret room in his house filled with bunk beds and used the word “chicken” in conversation. “Chicken,” according to Kappy, is a pedophile code word for “very young child.”

Despite the lack of real bombshells here, many QAnon believers have thrown their support behind Kappy, calling him a “hero.” Prior to this, Kappy appeared on Vanderpump Rules as one half of the Chromeo knockoff Charles McMansion, whose one and only song is the public groping anthem “Touch In Public.” Additionally, he allegedly choked Michael Jackson’s daughter Paris and has been sending threatening letters to Seth Green and his wife Clare Grant for months. So, needless to say, this guy sucks and it makes sense that guys like Alex Jones are getting chummy with him.

Alternatively, this could all be some big goof. Recently, Buzzfeed reported on the growing suspicion that QAnon is actually a prank started by leftists meant to mock Trump supporters for believing unfounded deep state theories, and Kappy could be playing into this. Because of his goofy hair and former connections to comedians, some have suspected him of attempting a sort of Sacha Baron Cohen-style subversion. Kappy denies this wholeheartedly, but at the end of the day, it doesn’t really matter if he means what he says or not. What matters is that people believe it and will inevitably do some stupid shit based on those beliefs.

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