The House Of Cards cast bailed on Megyn Kelly, and now NBC News might even cut her loose 

Megyn Kelly, the Fox News expat who has now become the NBC personality we all love to grumble about, has had a week. It all started on Tuesday when she was shocked—shockedto learn that it’s bad when white people put on blackface, a stunning display of ignorance/racism that got Kelly called out by her own colleagues on NBC Nightly News (they even pulled out the classic clip of Kelly saying that Santa Claus is definitely white, just to make it clear that her questionable comments on race aren’t a new thing). Then, last night, we heard that NBC was possibly thinking about finding her a new position within the NBC News organization, specifically one where she can report on the news without letting her unlikable personality get in the way.

Today, things haven’t gotten any better for Kelly over at NBC. Her show Megyn Kelly Today was supposed to feature the cast of House Of Cards this morning, but according to Deadline, they decided to back out over her blackface comments (Netflix confirmed that the appearance wouldn’t be happening, possibly because the show can’t handle being associated with any more controversies). Without her big House Of Cards interview, Kelly apparently took the day off from her NBC show entirely and won’t be on the show on Friday either, and The Hollywood Reporter is now saying that her future at NBC News is in jeopardy.

Supposedly, her lawyer will be meeting with NBC News executives tomorrow, and there are “expected to be talks about the terms of her status at NBC News.” The Hollywood Reporter believes that this it’s “increasingly unlikely” that she’ll return to NBC News at all, but it’s too early to say if any of us are truly that lucky.

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