The inevitable Lost/Ace Of Cakes crossover

Over on Jorge Garcia's blog "Dispatches From The Island," the Lost actor has posted pictures of a cake prepared by the Ace Of Cakes crew in honor of the show's 100th episode (which, if my calculations are correct, will be the Season Five finale). In the wide view, you note that the cake features the computer from The Swan, complete with "the numbers." But if you look closer (thanks to Garcia's close-ups), you'll note a few more fan-friendly goodies, such as this luggage tag:

And this page from Green Lantern/Flash: Faster Friends:

And this picture of our intrepid actor/blogger, in his new favorite costume:

All that remains is for Lost to return the serve, so expect to see an entire episode dedicated to the O6 and the I6 scrapping their plans for a reunion in favor of a bake-off.

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