The Jinx’s Robert Durst accepts one plea deal while still awaiting trial for murder

It’s looking more and more like Robert Durst, the subject of HBO’s The Jinx documentary, will get his comeuppance. The Associated Press reports that Durst has accepted a plea bargain in New Orleans for illegally carrying a firearm, something he’s barred from possessing as a convicted felon. Durst faced 10 years in prison as well as a $250,000 fine, but was sentenced to seven years plus a $5,000 fine. This deal covers the weapons charge, as well as those in other jurisdictions; he’ll also get credit for time already served. Still, the sentence isn’t exactly lenient, as the AP notes that federal guidelines “federal guidelines recommended a sentence of between 12 and 18 months.” And Durst’s lawyer Richard DeGuerin told the AP that the guilty plea has come at “great cost” to his client.

The Louisiana judge who sentenced Durst recommended that he serve the time in a California jail, where he will await trial for the murder of Susan Berman. Durst was arrested in March 2015, when authorities reopened the investigation after matching his handwriting in one letter to Berman with that of an anonymous letter that led to the discovery of her body. Durst’s lawyers maintain his innocence, damning evidence—he confessed while still microphoned but off camera—be, well, damned. There’s currently no word on when the murder trial will begin.

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