The Killer Eye

The Killer Eye

Say what you will about The Killer Eye—that it looks cheap, that its special effects clearly don't rely on Industrial Light & Magic, that it features a character named Creepy Bill portrayed by an actor (Blake Bailey) who seems to have seen Michael Keaton in Beetlejuice one too many times, that it rips off H.P. Lovecraft (or at least H.P. Lovecraft ripoffs) too much for its own good, that it's the sort of movie in which the villain is inextricably drawn to women in showers, that said villain spends more time creeping about than actually killing but has been misnamed because the title The Creepy, Sneaky Eye doesn't have too much zing, that it's stiffly acted, that it feels too long even at 67 minutes, that it features creepy sex scenes involving gory tentacles, that it features a mad scientist who apparently works out of a lush one-bedroom apartment, that it's the sort of film in which no one flees the villain because it would be too expensive to introduce a third set, and that it is, in short, not particularly good—but you can't accuse it of not featuring a giant glowing eyeball from the eighth dimension, because it does. Still, for all of The Killer Eye's faults, hardly anyone other than Full Moon Features, the studio behind the Puppet Master and Subspecies series, knows how to churn out cut-rate monster movies these days. And if that's your pleasure, excessively creepy sex scenes aside, you might enjoy The Killer Eye.

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