The Killing's Mireille Enos will also be in that West Memphis 3 film, appropriately enough

Atom Egoyan's The Devil's Knot concerns the case of the West Memphis 3, an investigation into a shocking murder involving young people, endless convolutions, and frequent red herrings, only to have everything reach a controversially ambiguous conclusion that never really seemed to end. Ergo, it definitely needs The Killing's Mireille Enos, who has just signed on for more of that sort of thing alongside previously announced cast members Reese Witherspoon and Colin Firth. Enos will play Vicki Hutcheson, mother to one the supposed playmates of the murder victims and a key witness for the prosecution of Damien Ecchols and Jessie Misskelley—one who later recanted her testimony, claiming that she'd fabricated her claims that she'd attended a Wiccan meeting with the accused where they bragged about their crime. It was all very complicated and frustrating, so yeah, Enos should feel right at home here.

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