The Land Of Ooo comes to life in this making-of Adventure Time’s stop-motion episode

The Land Of Ooo comes to life in this making-of Adventure Time’s stop-motion episode

Adventure Time has always taken creative risks in its content, whether it be the storytelling which can get rather dark and meditative for a “kids program,” or the occasional forays into other artists’ vision of the world that Pendleton Ward has created. Those ventures into different formats/artistic teams have produced some of the most memorable episodes, including “A Glitch Is A Glitch” from season five and season six’s “Food Chain.” With each deviation from the standard Adventure Time format and look, artists are able to explore another aspect of Finn and Jake’s universe, usually in a completely innovative artistic manner, but without losing the tone of the series or the characters themselves.

The most recent episode to explore another medium for telling an Adventure Time story was “Bad Jubies,” which used stop-motion in place of the usual 2-D animation to spin a yarn of the denizens of Ooo and its surrounding territories. It was an impressive undertaking that once again captured the series spirit while detouring from the way it’s usually told. The A.V. Club spoke with director Kirsten Lepore about the challenges of making the spot-motion episode; now there’s a video that shows her and her crew behind the scenes at Bix Pix Entertainment, where brought Jake, Finn, and Lumpy Space Princess into three-dimensional life. They also talk about the challenges they faced as well as how stop-motion animation as a medium changes the way audiences approach a story, subject matter, or characters. It’s a short video but well worth watching as viewers will learn a lot about the process and gain new appreciation for how much work went in to crafting and executing the story.

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