The Last Jedi spoiler paranoia is everywhere

If you are hoping to avoid knowing anything heading into The Last Jedi, good luck. Spoilers are a massive bummer, but they’re also so vaguely defined at this point that pretty much any of the marketing or press around a given enterprise will contain someone’s definition of a spoiler. Critics of the world are duty-bound to avoid them but still face the wrath of readers all the same for describing the plot with mile-high vagueness. Making matters worse are the trolls who glibly abuse their advance knowledge to throw major plot points out, delighting in the pain they cause.

All of which is to say: spoilers are out there. They will continue to be out there, only growing in number as the days go on. Twitter will be a dangerous place for weeks for anyone who is avoiding finding out details like Rey’s fussed-over parentage or which Porg dies (a guess: all of them). In addition to the intentional spoilers making the rounds, to much dismay, people are already seeding fake spoilers on the platform:

This is also apparently fun in real life:

If you’re desperate, you can use the chrome extension Force Block, which will block any page that may contain a Last Jedi spoiler. Originally designed for The Force Awakens, it’s since been updated, and it works pretty aggressively, essentially blocking you from browsing the internet. That, in the end, may be your best bet if you want to watch the movie blissfully free of any advance knowledge.

Alternately, you could embrace the spoilers. Apparently they make you like movies more!

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