The Leftovers won’t leave a single morsel for potential spin-offs

Despite a stock in trade that’s more-or-less built around the concept of leaving stuff behind, HBO’s apocalyptic drama The Leftovers is promising that it won’t be handing out any TV spin-off doggy bags after its upcoming series finale. “This is it,” co-creator Damon Lindelof recently told Variety about the show’s third season. “We left no dangling threads, no to be continued, no spin-off possibilities. We made pretty sure that this was going to be the last season of the show. The audience deserves as satisfying an ending as we can give them. I don’t think anyone wants to see a question mark at the end of this.”

It’s possible, of course, that Lindelof simply continues to live in fear of the disappointed Lost fans who tried to hunt him down and feed him to a polar bear at the end of the ABC series’ run. Still, he seems pretty confident that there won’t be any The Leftovers left over when the show’s upcoming trip to Australia is done. Maybe that just means everybody involved will find the closure they crave, and all live happily ever after. Given that the show’s third season is literally being billed as the (second) coming of the end of the world, though, we’re not keeping our fingers crossed for anything less than a full-on Rapture 2.0 for Justin Theroux and company.

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