The Lost Skeleton Of Cadavra

The Lost Skeleton Of Cadavra

Bad movies have existed since the first cameras rolled, but they didn't enter their golden age until the 1950s, when talented and spectacularly unskilled filmmakers alike stepped forward to fill the demand for horror and science-fiction films created by the proliferation of drive-ins. A note-perfect emulation of the moment that produced such Mystery Science Theatre 3000-ready fare as The Brain From Planet Arous and Attack Of The Blood Leeches, The Lost Skeleton Of Cadavra pays affectionate, though ultimately tedious, tribute to the dregs of the past. Skeleton writer-director Larry Blamire stars as a scientist investigating a downed meteor rich with "atmospherium," an element so rare and powerful that it also draws two stranded aliens trying to pass as human (Andrew Parks and Susan McConnell), as well as a mad scientist (Brian Howe) trying to revive a legendary lost skeleton. Also on hand: rampaging mutant Darren Reed and Animala (Jennifer Blaire), a sexy human fusion of four different forest creatures. Filled with unmotivated editing, poor camera placement, circular dialogue, mismatched film stock, props clearly assembled from everyday appliances, a fumbling command of lighting, and not-so-special special effects, Skeleton could easily pass for the real item. Blamire never ruins the effect by winking, but maybe he should. Once the initial joke wears off, Skeleton is a dull slog that even the miracle process of "Skeletorama" can't set right. Half the fun of watching bad movies comes from wondering what the people behind them were thinking. (Did Phil Tucker really expect viewers to buy a man in a gorilla suit and a diving helmet as an invader from space in Robot Monster? What made Ray Kellogg decide to throw toothy fur suits on top of dogs for The Killer Shrews?) There's "so bad it's good," but there's also "just plain bad," and Skeleton's pre-processed shittiness spoils the fun.

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