The main dude from Kyle XY has started a Kickstarter to make a war movie

Young actors Matt Dallas, Charlie Bewley, and another less-famous but equally-handsome guy have already accrued nearly $10,000, or 1.3 percent of a $750,000 goal, with 41 days left to go on the Kickstarter page they launched just yesterday to fund their "epic war drama."

Kyle XY's Dallas, The Twilight Saga's Bewley, and their friend Steven Grayhm, whom you probably won't remember from the 2004 Wayans Brothers film White Chicks, are the latest—and probably not the last—celebrities to attempt to make an end-around in the normal Hollywood money game. As Astoria Entertainment, they're hoping to use crowd-sourced capital to make Thunder Road, an indie film about a U.S. soldier’s attempt to reacquaint himself with civilian life after serving in Iraq and Afghanistan. The movie was scripted by Grayhm, who's also set to play the lead. If all goes well, he might even end up being the really famous one.

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