The makers of the Charlie Brown/Louie mash-up bring you the stomach-churningly educational "Scientifically Accurate Spider-Man"

The makers of the Charlie Brown/Louie mash-up bring you the stomach-churningly educational "Scientifically Accurate Spider-Man"

Animation upstarts ADHD (Animation Domination High Def) made a splash a while ago with an irreverent viral video that cross-pollinated two of pop-culture’s greatest, most tragicomic sad sacks: Charlie Brown and Louis C.K. Now they’re back with another cartoon that offers a bizarre, revisionist take on a pop-culture icon, in this case Spider-Man, the subject of “Scientifically Accurate Spider-Man.” In less than two minutes, the cartoon manages to amuse, horrify, disgust, and most of all, educate. It’s what KRS-ONE called “edutainment” at its most stomach-churning. Enjoy?

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