
The Motel

The Motel

Jeffrey Chyau, the chubby, ingratiating 13-year-old protagonist of The Motel, is stuck in that excruciating age between childhood and adulthood. His body and mind are flooded with new instincts, sensations, and needs he can't begin to understand, but he has to find an outlet for them all the same. As a Chinese-American, Chyau is similarly torn between the stern, tradition-bound ways of his authoritarian, humorless mother and the seedy allure and sordid temptations of the ne'er-do-wells that inhabit the motel that functions as his home, job, and universe.

Then one day, a charismatic boozer (Sung Kang) stumbles into Chyau's place of business reeking of liquor and moral disrepute. In unhappy exile from a previously charmed life, Kang arrives at the motel looking only for a cheap place to bang hookers and a little company on his boozy downward spiral. United by loneliness and estrangement from a hostile world, Kang and Chyau strike up an unlikely friendship that forms the heart of The Motel.

Chyau's character is also an aspiring writer of some promise, but the filmmakers have wisely refrained from making him a precocious miniature adult; he and his peers all communicate with a stumbling inarticulateness that, like the rest of the film, feels effortlessly authentic. Like the best independent films, The Motel realizes that life is made up of minor pleasures and tiny epiphanies, not sweeping character arcs or big dramatic moments. The film moves with the laconic rhythms of small-town life, but develops a sneaky emotional power within its tight 76-minute running time. Writer-director Michael Kang has a firm grasp on the messy emotional terrain of adolescence. In his beautifully shot, poignantly scored debut, Kang also benefits tremendously from winning performances by Chyau and Kang, who makes his self-destructive cad far more sympathetic than any character who recommends amateur porn to a 13-year-old as a can't-lose seduction technique should be. In The Motel, as in life, everyone eventually has to pay up, and the psychological scars incurred in the process often prove a vital step in the messy process of becoming a man.

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