The MPAA doesn't want you to see The Hangover II trailer

The MPAA doesn't want you to see The Hangover II trailer

As reported by /Film, Warner Bros. issued a sternly worded order to theater owners to pull the recently debuted trailer for The Hangover II from all showings of Source Code (or any other films it was attached to), as well as delete digital copies from their servers. No reason for the removal was given—when contacted, Warner Bros. only offered a “no comment”—although the letter does mention the MPAA, suggesting that the ratings board decided after the fact that its green-band approval for the preview was inappropriate, given its prominent placement of a monkey nibbling on a “weenus.” The move came only a few days after director Todd Phillips complained that marketing constraints had kept him from including all the “R-rated surprises” in store for audiences. Which, given that the trailer held almost no surprises, R-rated or otherwise, that would be fine, just fine. Anyway, go ahead and watch it again. Now that The Man doesn’t want you to, it’s like a tiny little act of rebellion.

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