The Music Tapes cover "Let It Snow"/"Zat You, Santa Claus?"

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Indie-rock fans might recognize Julian Koster's name from Neutral Milk Hotel's classic In The Aeroplane Over The Sea, to which he contributed banjo and singing saw. Koster also leads The Music Tapes, a fantastic collective that records clattering, sometimes kooky music for Merge Records. The Music Tapes also travel around all winter playing shows at people's houses—singing carols, leading games, etc. It was during the most recent leg of that tour that they stopped by The A.V. Club to play us "Let It Snow" with singing saws, and then bust into "Zat You, Santa Claus," a song made famous by Louis Armstrong. The Lullabye Tour continues through mid-January, after which Koster will spearhead the Elephant 6 Holiday Surprise Tour. Read all about The Music Tapes here!

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