The new Step Up trailer promises old friends, none named Channing Tatum

It’s been two very long years since that last Step Up movie—the one about fighting the man through interpretative dance and flash mobs—boogied into theaters. Battle Of The Year notwithstanding, fans of fancy footwork have been pretty much S.O.L. in the interim. Thankfully, they won’t have to wait much longer to see another band of wholesome but street-wise dreamers toe tap their way to victory.

Set in Vegas, which sort of explains its confusing subtitle, Step Up: All In assembles a new posse of poppers and lockers, some of them culled from previous entries in the series. Following the lead of the Fast & Furious films, the Step Up franchise tends to get less “gritty” and more cartoonish with each new installment; judging from the above trailer, this fourth sequel will feature routines built around rollerblading, smoke, fire, and gymnastics, plus more themed costumes than a comic-book convention. As for the all-star lineup, it features plenty of familiar faces, none of whom answer to “Channing Tatum,” so don’t get excited. But there should be no shortage of snobby rival dancers getting served in 3D. Those already all in for All In should clear their dance card July 25.

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