The new Van Halen song is markedly better than the last new Van Halen song

The new Van Halen song is markedly better than the last new Van Halen song

Like everyone else with two ears and a heart, we really wanted to like "Tattoo," the first single off of the first David Lee Roth-sung Van Halen album in nearly 30 years, A Different Kind Of Truth. But we didn't, and sadly the blame fell squarely on Diamond Dave, who's undeniable skills as a showman didn't compensate much for his flat, sorta tuneless vocal. (We also miss Michael Anthony, dammit!) Of course, Roth has never been a great singer, but he has been a great vocalist, brilliantly performing the very specific task of putting over Van Halen songs better than anybody else (or at least Sammy Hagar and Gary Cherone) on the planet. With "Blood And Fire"—and the trademark Roth-ian "Ooo, yeah!" that kicks the song into high gear at the 41-second mark, to be precise—he's at least in the ballpark. Like "Tattoo," "Blood And Fire" derives from an old demo in the band's coffers. (Stereogum traces it back to 1984's "Ripley.") Check out a 90-second preview below. [via Rolling Stone]

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