The next Transformers film has a new title

Several Amazon listings went live today for a new series of Transformers tie-in books—which tease out the various literary nuances of Michael Bay’s robots-go-smash movies for both children and scholars—revealing that the next film will be titled Transformers: The Dark Of The Moon, And although those listings have since been yanked from the site, sources close to the production have confirmed that this is indeed the name. So this time around, the Autobots will battle hillbilly witches. Or, judging from some of the subtitles (Secrets Of The Autobots, Autobots Betrayed!, Invasion Of The Decepticons) they’ll once again mix it up with the Decepticons, who will invade them after someone betrays their secrets. That they’re hillbilly witches. Also, something something Pink Floyd. [HT to Topless Robot]

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