The NFL is finally on YouTube

After years of being stuffy about releasing its content online, the NFL has finally submitted to the realities of today and launched an official YouTube channel. The deal means viewers will now have access to game previews, highlights, recaps, and more, with the new channel updated daily. Already uploaded at launch is a Super Bowl XLIX preview, highlights from the 2014 season, and “can’t miss plays” by individual players. Since fans have been posting videos of our modern-day gladiator games to YouTube for a while now, the NFL couldn’t hold out from increasing on its $6 billion revenue stream for much longer.

Also as part of the agreement, official NFL games and highlights will surface more immediately on Google search, while extensive information about teams will appear in Google’s OneBox format at the top of results. No word yet on whether the league will upload official videos of future crotch grabs and middle fingers, but if not, trust that the youths the NFL is trying to reach with this deal will still get them out there on their own.

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