The Notorious B.I.G. is the latest celebrity to live forever as a hologram

Someday soon, all human interaction will be conducted via holograms, and our digital avatars will walk the Earth for eternity, constantly repeating the things we said when we were alive. It’s just a matter of every last human (living or dead) signing away their hologram rights to hologram companies, a process that is already well underway. The latest human to have their identity handed over to the hologram people is Christopher Wallace—better known as The Notorious B.I.G.—and his hologram will apparently be used “to perform in various capacities including on-stage delivery and music videos.”

This comes from Billboard, which says that Wallace’s estate gave his “digital rights” to ARHT Media, a company that makes so-called “Humagrams” with “a very sophisticated transmission technology” that allows “digital humans” to be beamed “through the public internet to literally any point on the planet.” On top of that, the “Humagrams” can be scaled to fit any venue, whether it’s “a window display, your living room, or … a 50,000-seat arena.” Truly, we live in an age of weird miracles.

The digital Biggie will make its first appearance in a music video alongside Faith Evans, the real Biggie’s widow, for a song off of Evans’ new album The King & I. After that, the Holographic B.I.G. will go on tour with Evans, and then presumably turn up in window displays to promote whatever ARHT Media wants it to promote.

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