The Onion's Peter K. Rosenthal reviewed Lee Daniels' The Butler, calls it the most important film of all time

The Onion, The A.V. Club’s friend on the other side of the office, has produced a really great video review of Lee Daniels’ The Butler, a.k.a. the most important movie of our or, really, any time. In the video below, Film Standard reviewer Peter K. Rosenthal takes on this “very important film that features very important people and covers very important themes,” including, but not limited to, race, family, government, John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King Jr., love, hopes, dreams, and the White House. As Rosenthal notes, even the way the movie is lit indicates that it’s goddamn important. Plus Oprah’s in it, so that’s important. Watch the review below and then go see (or don’t) the movie this weekend.

The Onion Reviews 'Lee Daniels' The Butler'

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