The original Lady A and the band formerly known as Lady Antebellum agree to share the name

The original Lady A and the band formerly known as Lady Antebellum agree to share the name
Photo: Leah Puttkammer

Last week, the members of country group Lady Antebellum announced that they had finally decided to do something about the racist undertones of the band name they chose, adopting the new moniker Lady A in place of the one that was an inexplicably accidental reference to the days when slavery was legal. Unfortunately, their continued refusal to just look things up before settling on a band name hurt them once again, with a blues singer named Anita White stepping forward to point out that she’s been performing under the name Lady A for 20 years. Lady A (the singer) made it clear that she wasn’t happy about the band stealing her name, and the band put out a statement saying it would reach out to her

That reaching out has since happened, and both the singer Lady A and the band Lady A met up on a video call recently for what the country trio calls “transparent, honest, and authentic conversations.” The band posted about it on Instagram, saying they are “moving forward with positive solutions and common ground” and that “the hurt is turning into hope.” It sounds like the band apologized to Lady A but both parties were able to come to some kind of agreement about sharing the name, with the band’s social media post very much presenting it as a positive thing that worked out for the best.

In a statement to USA Today, though, Lady A the singer offered a statement that—while still recognizing that it was good that everyone talked—seems to have a little “it is what it is” resignation to it. She said she accepted the band’s apology and also shared its Instagram post, but while they did talk about “attempting to co-exist,” they didn’t “discuss what that would look like.” Either way, Lady A says she was “clear” about keeping her name. It sure would be interesting to know what was said in this secret meeting, but that is the point of secret meetings.

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