The other two Star Wars prequels will get back-to-back 3-D releases next year

Having successfully added extra depth and dimension to George Lucas' savings account, the 3-D-ification of the Star Wars series will continue at a far more rapid pace than initially planned. Both Episode II: Attack Of The Convolutions and Episode III: Revenge Of Some Stuff Actually Happening will debut their newer, slightly less flat Hayden Christensens nearly right on top of each other next fall, premiering on September 20 and October 11, 2013, respectively. No word on whether the intention is still to then move on to adding stereoscopic imagery to the original trilogy, or whether George Lucas will take a step back, realizing that he's milked nearly all of the joy out of his once-magical creation with endless tinkering and repackaging, and decide that it's finally time to leave well enough alone. Basically, whichever of those two outcomes is most likely.

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