The Paradox Of John Mayer

The Paradox Of John Mayer

Is it possible for someone to create the musical equivelent of middle-aged lonliness, and yet have a sense of humor? Can one person both write a song about sex that sounds like the soundtrack to a cartoon character twiddling his thumbs, and a funny blog entry? Basically, what the hell is John Mayer trying to prove?

This weekend, every time I turned on MTV or VH1 I was confronted by this:

A song that sounds like what I imagine the droning depression of kindergarten teachers to sound like.

But then today, I found out (through Goldenfiddle) that the man responsible for that horrible, horrible sound, asked for and recieved a Dundie from the makers of The Office, which is pretty funny.

Of course, the fact that the Dundie is for the merits of his height, and not his music is even funnier.

(You can read more about it


But how can they be the same person? The guy who would ask for a Dundie, or who would write some of the more entertaining things here, wouldn't ever listen to John Mayer, let alone be John Mayer. What gives?

Pick a side, John Mayer: either funnish guy who blogs, or drippy guy who writes music too bland for my parents. To be both is just too confusing.

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