The Price Is Right’s celebrity week is going great so far

Celebrities are really good at a lot of things, usually acting, or singing, or just generally being attractive. But they have a very shaky record when it comes to game shows that aren’t traditionally celebrity-based. Surely everyone recalls the celebrity Jeopardy! trainwreck that went down last year, with Anderson Cooper, Lara Logan, and Michael Steele struggling to understand some of the basic concepts of how trivia works. This week, The Price Is Right is doing its own celebrity thing, and compared to Jeopardy! last year, it’s actually going pretty well.

Granted, Jack Black did get smacked in the face by another contestant, but they both clearly understood the rules of the game, so it’s still a step up from that Jeopardy! episode. As reported by Uproxx, Black was standing by the Big Wheel for the Showcase Showdown, and a contestant named Andrew managed to spin 95 cents. He then excitedly walked over to Black and attempted to give him a high-five, but it didn’t work out that way:

Luckily, Andrew won the showcase and Black won $73,513 for the Society Of Women Engineers, so they clearly knew what they were doing Price Is Right-wise, even if they didn’t know what they were doing high-five-wise.

Speaking of celebrities who actually know how the play the game shows they’re on, Wilmer Valderrama is also stopping by The Price Is Right this week, and he broke the record for highest-earning celebrity. That comes from Entertainment Weekly, which has a clip of Valderrama killing it on the Big Wheel:

Jack Black wasn’t there for Valderrama to smack in the face, but hopefully Anderson Cooper was watching and taking notes for his next game show appearance.

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