The Rick And Morty VR game, Virtual Rick-ality, is full of filthy surprises

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While almost no sane person would actually want to live inside the everyday reality of Rick And Morty, it’s one hell of a place to visit. Thanks to the exciting technology of comically large headsets, now you, too, can experience the thrill of being inside Rick’s garage. Or, if you’re not Mr. Burns and therefore don’t have a spare $1,200 or so lying around to be able to afford the Oculus, Touch controllers, and gaming systems required to play the new VR game Virtual Rick-ality, you can vicariously enjoy watching us try it out for you, and letting you know if it’s worth it. Assistant editor Alex McLevy and film editor A.A. Dowd took turns taking the new game out for a test run, and were pleasantly surprised to discover it was a total fucking blast.

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