The roller coaster of emotion that is "Bohemian Rhapsody" recreated in Rollercoaster Tycoon 2

The roller coaster of emotion that is "Bohemian Rhapsody" recreated in Rollercoaster Tycoon 2
Screenshot: ChuggersRCT

At this point, there is really not much else to say about Queen’s “Bohemian Rhapsody,” is there? We know it, we’ve heard it, we’ve loved-then-hated-then-loved-then-hated-then-begrudgingly accepted it into the fabric of our lives. It’s been adapted (somewhat miserably) for the big screen, it’s been fermented, it’s been, uh, librarianed? Anyway, there’s not a lot of new ways to interpret or digest the song, right?

Wrong. Have a look at this (digital) rollercoaster perfectly synced to the song. YouTuber ChuggersRCT—whose channel is dedicated to, you guessed it, all things Rollercoaster Tycoon—recently built a synchronized amusement park ride within the classic video game and set it to the six-minute rock opera, which you can immerse yourself in below.

The thrills! The chills! The pixelated spills! It’s a helluva thing, and honestly, something we’d probably strap ourselves into, were it a reality. If nothing else, there’s no way a real-life version of the ride would be any more whiplash-inducing than this goddamn scene.

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