The Russo brothers also love Black Widow, think she should get her own movie

The Russo brothers also love Black Widow, think she should get her own movie

Given that Marvel Studios’ mission is to create an interconnected universe of superhero stars whose films rake in boatloads of money, there’s been one notable omission from that plan: Scarlett Johansson’s Black Widow. Despite the fact that Black Widow is an incredibly popular character, and despite demand that Marvel start producing films starring women (Captain Marvel, the studio’s first female-led flick, isn’t due until 2019), Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige maintains that the character works better as part of a team and therefore couldn’t star in her own film.

But not everyone at Marvel feels the same way. Anthony and Joe Russo, who directed Captain America: The Winter Solider and are helming the upcoming Captain America: Civil War as well as the two-part Avengers: Infinity War saga, are totally down for a Black Widow spin-off. While in China promoting Civil War, the Russos were asked whether they’d be interested in a Black Widow solo film (the conversation starts at the 6:30 mark.)

“Oh yeah, we love that character,” Joe answers immediately, while Anthony notes, “And we love Scarlett.” Joe goes on to explain:

We find that the character is one of the richest, if not the richest, character in the Marvel universe. She’s a very complex character. She’s haunted by demons and her understanding of the world is fascinating. I think there is a lot that can be done with that character.

It makes sense that the Russos would be excited about a Black Widow solo film, as they’ve put the character front and center before: Building on the character work Joss Whedon did in Avengers, the Russos made Black Widow almost a co-lead in Winter Solider.

For her part, Johansson has always maintained that she would be more than happy to star in a solo film if fan support is behind it. And now that the old adage that female-led films won’t succeed at the box office has been blown out of the water by the likes of Star Wars: The Force Awakens, The Hunger Games, and Lucy, it looks like Marvel has nothing to fear but Feige himself.

[h/t Pajiba]

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