
The Sea And Cake: Car Alarm

The Sea And Cake: Car Alarm

On Car Alarm, The Sea And Cake again proves itself a
band of many shades, by way of a subtle progression. "Aerial," "A Fuller Moon,"
and "On A Letter" begin the album with relatively simple arrangements that rest
on Sam Prekop and Archer Prewitt's catchy weave of guitars. Drummer John
McEntire and bassist Eric Claridge keep these songs pumping ahead, hinting at
the band's live sound, but Car Alarm doesn't start to open and show its full promise
until the sixth track, "Weekend." Acoustic guitars echo back and forth as the
bass line jumps to the front like a nervous question. The song seems to move at
three speeds simultaneously: itchy electronica, post-punk rocker, and trip-hop
wallow. It isn't as simple or clumsy as just nailing the elements
together—this band throws in surprises only when they feel,
paradoxically, natural. On the second half of Car Alarm, songs like "Pages,"
"Down In The City," and "New Schools" keep things bobbing forward and fatten up
on texture, twisting around corners to sweep up moods in that puzzling yet
catchy way that only Sea And Cake tunes can. "The Staircase" neatly closes up the
album (before the exit music of "Mirrors," that is), as Prekop croons out a
cool mist of vocal hooks, wrapping these peculiar adventures, as he always
does, in smooth confidence.

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