The Star Wars trailer will also be on iTunes, so nobody has to go to the theater this weekend

In what seems like a deliberate insult to people who already bought tickets to see a movie on Friday specifically so they could see the trailer for Star Wars: The Force Awakens, the official Star Wars Twitter account has announced that the trailer won’t just be screened in a handful of theaters over the weekend—as we reported earlier this week—it will also be available on iTunes. This means that even people who aren’t lucky enough to live only 20 minutes away from the only theater in their state showing the trailer will be able to see it, which is just fantastic news for them. Just the most fantastic.

It’s definitely going to be a little disappointing for those people who already planned their day around seeing this 88-second trailer, and already picked out the perfect Jedi robes to wear to the theater, but all that matters now is that everyone will be able to see the trailer when it hits iTunes on Friday and not just people who already wasted money on movie tickets so they could see a damn commercial. We don’t know when, exactly, the Star Wars trailer will hit iTunes, but it will almost certainly be earlier than whenever those stupid hypothetical people we keep bringing up planned to go to their local theater. But, really, we’re so happy that everyone will be able to see it from the comfort of their own homes now. We are so happy.

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